Strona główna
  lanie Mills

kaniagostyn *UKS Kania Gostyń

Saint Etienne - What Have You Done Today Mervyn Day (2006).
1. Main Title (2:41)
2. Sugarhouse Lane (2:07)
3. Hope Chemical (2:35)
4. Eton Manor (1:33)
5. Quartermile Bridge (1:20)
6. Cosy Cafe (3:39)
7. Lee Navigation (1:54)
8. Pudding Mill Lane (0:39)
9. Channelsea (1:07)
10. White Post Lane (2:05)
11. The Pylons (1:31)
12. Parkesine (2:05)
13. Lesney Factory (1:56)
14. Swan Wharf (1:34)
15. Pioneers (0:57)
16. Trinity Wharf (0:5
17. Blackwall Reach (0:5
18. Mervyn`s Theme (2:2


Dillards - Back Porch Bluegrass Live Almost.
Old Joseph
Somebody Touched Me
Polly Vaughn
Banjo in the Hollow
Lonesome Indian
Ground Hog
Old Home Place
Hickory Hollow
Old Man at the Mill
Doug's Tune
Rainin' Here This Mornin'
Cold Trailin'
Reuben's Train
Deulin' Banjo (Hootin' Banjo)
Black-Eyed Susie
(I'll) Never See My Home Again
There Is a Time
Old Blue
Sinkin' Creek
Whole World Round
Dixie Breakdown
Walkin' Down the Line
Jody's Tune
Pretty Polly
Taters in Sandy Lane/Gimme Chaw T'Baccer
Buckin' Mule

pol/ang terminologia historyczna.

Czy słyszał ktoś może o jakimś pol/ang (lub na odwrót) słowniku terminów
historycznych?? Może istnieją taki słowniki też dla innych języków???
Potrzebowałbym ang odpowiedników takich wyrazów jak postrzygalnia, wójt,
wójtostwo, sukiennice, ramy sukiennicze, , blech, folusz, jarmark,
podkomorzy, lokacja, lustracja, magistrat, Wiosna Ludów, starosta.
Oprócz tego słowa "przędzalnia" i "międlarnia", oraz jak będzie "miasto na
prawach powiatu", albo "lokować na prawie niemieckim"???
Może zna ktoś niektóre wymienione wyrazy także w innojęzycznych
odpowiednikach??? Z góry wielkie thx.

Może ten link okaże się częściowo przydatny przy tekstach historycznych: (pl-łac-ang-niem)

Na odpowiedzialnośc słowników (tu się przydaje np. stary, ale ciągle jary
Stanisławski) :)
wójt - raczej nazwa lokalna, jak np. "mer", tłumaczona opisowo
cech - guild
jarmark - fair
Wiosna Ludów - Springtide of Nations
starosta - starost
przędzalnia - spinning mill
międlarnia.... - międlić to swingle, brake; międlenie - braking; więc pewnie
przez analogię: braking mill
folusz - fulling mill, fuller (wg Leksykonii)

Acha, i jeszcze: na prawie niemieckim = na prawie magdeburskim (Magdeburgian


Ziobro: Ponad sto wniosków o aresztowanie kibiców. teraz, taziuta, to jest "po prokach"; teraz mozna tylko "lac" w te lyse paly;
zas problem pozostaje nierozwiazany od lat; i SLD bardzo sie do tego
przyczynila; teraz to juz tylko ostro: sady 24 godzinne to koniecznosc dla tego
typu bandytow; a to i tak nie rozwiaze problemu; albo PZPN sie "przylozy", albo
trzeby bedzie - moze - na pare lat zawiesic rozgrywki I i II ligii; szkoda, ale
innegto wyjscia nie widze

taziuta napisał:

> Nie powtarzaj kłamliwych oskarżeń o związkach lewicy z mafią! Musisz to
> do wszystkich wątków?! Tutaj mowa jest o kibolach rozrabiających miasto...
> I jakie znaczenie ma, że czegoś tam nie zrobił Miller czy Buzek. Ich już nie
> ma. Teraz rządzą kaczki, które wiele gadają o tym co zrobią, ale nie robią
> silesius.monachijski1 napisał:
> > Drogi taziuta: a czemu Miller sie nie zajal? a czemu inni sie nie zajeli?
> nie
> > udawajmy, ze to PiS jest winny. Problem jest znany od lat; za rzadow Mill
> era
> > wybralem sie - glupi - na mesz II ligi -Piast Glwice przeciwko Ruchowi
> ...

powodz-Oxford, Abingdon.
Tak, sa sporo zalane. Botley Rd i okoliczne ulice zostaly juz ewakuowane.
Abingdon Rd w Oxfordzie rowniez. Drogi w Abingdon rowniez nieprzejezdne. Wiecej
info na Sky News albo tu:
Roads closed:

Abingdon Road (A4144), Oxford
Weirs Lane / Donnington Bridge, Oxford
Riverside Road, Oxford
Earl Street, Oxford
Unnamed road from Clifton Hampden to Long Wittenham
Stadhampton Road, Drayton StLeonard
Culham Bridge between A415 and B4016
Botley Road (A420), Oxford
North Hinksey Lane, Oxford
Kennington Road, Kennington
Main road, Ramsden
Dry Lane and Witney Hill, Witney
Lower Road and Mill Street, Islip
B4027 closed northbound, Islip
Other affected areas:

Old Minster Lovell
Broughton Village
Crawley (NW of Witney), village centre closed due to flooding (Dry Lane and
Witney Hill)
Standlake Area - Rack End
South west Witney Area - Aston, Asthall, areas

Dlaczego na talerzu?. Dobrze, ze chociaz nie odgryzl mu nosa jak bitbull pare lat temu pewnemu
pasazerowi w autobusie w Montrealu. Biedak mial nieszczesie usiasc na tylnym
siedzeniu, gdzie siedzial wlasciciel bitbulla z psem na kolanach. W pewnym
momencie pies skoczyl i odgryzl mu czubek nosa. A pamietacie Tysona jak pogryzl
Holyfielda w dwoje uszu

Problems started when a clash of heads in the second round opened a three-inch
cut over Tyson's right eye. Tyson had repeatedly complained about head butting
in the first bout between the two.

Holyfield got Tyson in a clinch, and Tyson rolled his head above Holyfield's
shoulder. He then bit Holyfield's right ear, severing it. Holyfield pushed Tyson
away and started hopping up and down in pain, spinning around in a circle
holding his ear.

Lane abruptly called for a time-out, Holyfield turned to walk to his corner, and
Tyson ran up to Holyfield to push him in his back, startling the crowd and
Holyfield who fell into the ropes. Lane quickly moved Tyson and directed
Holyfield back to his corner as Tyson walked calmly back to his.

The fight was delayed for several minutes as Lane told Tyson he was penalizing
him with a two-point deduction. A physician examined Holyfield's ear and
determined he could continue to fight.

The fight resumed with 30 seconds left in the round. The two fought into another
clinch. Tyson craned his neck around again and bit Holyfield's left ear with 22
seconds left. Holyfield threw his hands around to get out of the clinch and
jumped back as Tyson waved his arms in a "come on" motion.

Lane did not stop the fight this time, so the two men continued fighting until
time expired. The men walked back to their respective corners when the fight was
then stopped. After the fight was stopped, Tyson still tried to get at Holyfield
and Holyfield's trainer Brooks while they where still in their corner. Tyson
took swings at anyone who got in his way, including a police officer, until he
was finally held back into his corner.

Announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. read the unprecedented decision: "Referee Mills Lane
has disqualified Mike Tyson for biting Evander Holyfield on both of his ears."

A Sincere Tribute To The Doo-Wop Brothers. A Sincere Tribute To The Doo-Wop Brothers

01- The Ames Brothers - Don't Leave Me Now.mp3
02- The Brothers - The Real Thing.mp3
03- The Brown Brothers - No More.mp3
04- The Carlos Brothers - Tonight.mp3
05- The Carroll Brothers - Dearly Beloved.mp3
06- The Cochran Brothers - Open The Door.mp3
07- The Crockett Brothers - Mother, May I Go Surfin'.mp3
08- The Day Brothers - Cleopatra Brown.mp3
09- The Demarco Brothers - Careless Love.mp3
10- The Everly Brothers - Bring A Torch, Jeannette, Isabella.mp3
11- The Field Brothers - Time And Time Again.mp3
12- The Fontaine Brothers - Live It Up.mp3
13- The Foster Brothers - Trust In Me.mp3
14- The Fraternity Brothers - Big Town.mp3
15- The Furness Brothers - One Little Moment.mp3
16- The Glaser Brothers - I Want You.mp3
17- The Hammer Brothers - Girl, Girl, Girl.mp3
18- The Isley Brothers - Open Up Your Heart.mp3
19- The J Brothers - When I'm Alone.mp3
20- The Jackson Brothers - There's No Other Way.mp3
21- The Johnson Brothers - Happy Rock And Roll.mp3
22- The King Brothers - Hop, Skip And Jump.mp3
23- The Lane Brothers - Marianne.mp3
24- The Marshall Brothers - I Didn't Know.mp3
25- The McMillin Brothers- Let It Be Me.mp3
26- The Miller Brothers - If I Had A Car.mp3
27- The Mills Brothers - Get A Job.mp3
28- The Most Brothers - Whole Lotta Woman.mp3
29- The Perez Brothers - Dream A Little Dream.mp3
30- The Salmas Brothers - I Don't Care.mp3
31- The Scott Brothers - All My Love.mp3
32- The Skee Brothers - Four Aces.mp3
33- The Williams Brothers - Young Girl.mp3
34- The Wright Brothers - I'm So Lonely.mp3
35- The Kalin Twins - Little Miss Blue.mp3
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