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  Land O Nod

kaniagostyn *UKS Kania Gostyń

Gołota vs Ruiz 2. Eee, nie przesadzaj, rzadko kiedy mowie cos negatywnego o Golocie, napisalem ze wygra i z Byrdem i z Ruizem, a to co napisalem o tym ze znowu znalazl sposob zeby nie wygrac to opinia niektorych fachowcow z USA. Na przyklad to z Maxboxing:

"I don't know what to say about Golota, other than this: a strong case can be made for him winning that fight, but he's not a "winner". He needed to turn it up, especially in the late rounds, and he didn't do it. I don't know what goes through this guy's mind during a fight."


"Nie wiem co powiedziec o Golocie, oprocz tego: mozna oczywiscie argumentowac ze wygral ta walke, ale nie jest "zwyciezca." Potrzebowal bardziej wdepnac w gaz, zwlaszcza w pozniejszych rundach, ale tego nie zrobil. Nie wiem co mu sie dzieje w glowie podczas walki."

albo to:

"Golota may have beat Ruiz, but he didn't do enough to get the nod over the defending "champion". Golota didn't punch enough over the second half of the fight and he ate way too many hooks from the clumsy Quietman. When have you ever seen Ruiz land so many damn hooks? Why the hell couldn't Golota land more counter right hands from the outside or get the jab off more? Ugh. Both Ruiz and Golota pissed me off."


"Golota moze pobil Ruiza, ale nie zrobil dosyc zeby dostac decyzje nad "mistrzem." Golota nie rzucal dosyc w drugiej polowie walki, i inkasowal za duzo lewych hakow od niezdarnego Ruiza. Kiedy widzieliscie zeby Ruizowi udawalo sie trafiac tyloma lewymi hakami? Dlaczego Golota nie mogl trafiac kontra z prawej z daleka albo rzucac lewy prosty czesciej? Ugh, oboje mnie zdenerwowali."

Osobiscie punktowalem ta walke 114-111 dla Goloty, ale wedlug mnie przegral cztery z ostatnich szesciu rund, i wszystkie rundy oprocz drugiej byly bardzo zblizone. Po drugiej rundzie wystarczylo zeby bezapelacyjnie wygraj jeszcze tylko cztery z pozostalych dziesieciu rund, i chociaz sam dalem mu az piec, to nie moge powiedziec ze nawet jedna z nich byla ewidentna i bardzo wyrazna runda dla Andrzeja.
East of Eden (Complete Score) (1981) 192kbs. East of Eden (Complete Score) (1981) 192kbs
  Lee Holdridge - East of Eden
Released:2007 (Film release: 1981)


Original Stereo Album:
1. Main Title (01:55)
2. The Father (01:14)
3. The Mother (02:35)
4. The Sons (02:13)
5. The Serpent (02:05)
6. Home (02:08)
7. Love (01:05)
8. Enigma (03:24)
9. Ill Wind in Eden (02:16)
10. Conflict and Resolution (02:22)
11. The Land of Nod (04:20)
12. The Well (04:47)
13. Crisis (04:57)
14. The Naming (02:58)
15. Main Theme (02:58)
16. Secret of Monterey (03:48)
17. Abra's Theme (01:43)
18. Death of Adam (03:26)

Previously Unreleased Cues in Mono:
19. Main Title (Episode 3) (01:31)
20. A New Wife (00:37)
21. The Deer; Kathy Bites Sam (02:38)
22. Kathy Is Going To Have a Baby (01:30)
23. Talk Of Eden (01:05)
24. Building a Rock Fence; Charles Finds Kathy (03:16)
25. Adam and Charles Embrace (02:48)
26. I'll Go Find Her! (00:35)
27. Don't You Just Wish! (02:14)
28. Cyrus Tells Adam; Swearing Adam In; House Building Montage (03:27)
29. It's a Boy (01:00)
30. Beating the Whores; Get the Hoboes (01:08)
31. Graveyard Beating (01:52)
32. No More About San Francisco! (01:17)
33. End Credits (01:03)

Total duration: 01:16:15
MP3 192kbs 112MB

Piloci siadają za sterami UAVów [ang.].

Hundreds of US fighter aces reassigned as drone pilotsRise of the machines
By Lewis Page

Published Friday 4th January 2008 16:24 GMT

The recent surge in use of remotely-controlled robot aircraft by US forces for the Wars on Stuff has meant that substantial numbers of American pilots are now being pulled off normal flight status and assigned to drone-driving duty, according to reports.

An AP article revealed the trend on Wednesday. Many current American robo-craft require a fully-trained pilot at the controls at all times: examples include the well-known Predator, its bigger brother the Reaper, and the large high-flying Global Hawk.

As the drones can often stay aloft for many hours at a stretch, pilots typically have to work in shifts so as to avoid tiredness. There is often a requirement both for pilots at the robot base in the theatre of war - to handle landing and takeoff - and further qualified aviators in the USA, who handle the aircraft by satcomms during missions.

All this means that piloted drones actually demand more personnel than normal aircraft. According to AP:

For some Air Force pilots, that means climbing out of the cockpit and heading to places such as Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, where they can remotely fly the Predators ... About 120 Air Force pilots were recently transferred to staff the drones ... Some National Guard members were also called up ... more will be doing that in the coming months, as the Air Force adds bases where pilots can remotely fly the aircraft. Locations include North Dakota, Texas, Arizona and California, and some are already operating.
The move from lonely impulses of delight and tumults in the clouds* to sitting at a screen like a videogamer may not be all that popular among military aviators, who normally see themselves as practical, physical, warrior types - not computer nerds.

Former F-14 Tomcat backseater (think Goose in Top Gun) turned writer Ward Carroll commented on the Defense Tech blog:

Remember Slipping the Surly Bonds [of Earth]? Forget It! ... I'm wondering what happens to the morale and career motivation of an [F-15] Eagle** driver who suddenly gets the nod to be Drone Boy. Imagine hanging out in the ready room, wearing your speed jeans [G-suit] and talking with your hands, when someone taps you on the shoulder and hands you a joy stick. No more strapping into an ejection seat. No more touching the face of God. Just a cinderblock building and a video display.
This may not be a problem for long, as the US Army - as opposed to the Air Force - doesn't seem to see why droneboys should be former flyboys with meatspace flight hours at all. It already allows ordinary ground troops to operate small, unarmed robocraft, and has plans to let non-pilots handle Predators too.

As time goes by, some military jet aces may come to think themselves lucky if they can land a job at a screen in a cinderblock building.®

*From Yeats' poem An Irish Airman Foresees His Death, in which the World War I flier protagonist opines that air combat is the only thing worth doing:

"The years to come seemed waste of breath / a waste of breath the years behind / In balance with this life, this death ..."

**The US F-15 fleet is grounded just now following the structural failure of an Eagle during air-combat exercises. F-15 pilots might thus be likely Drone Boy candidates; doubly humiliating as the F-15 was until lately the premier US fighter and these flyboys will have seen themselves as an elite among their fellows.

W skrócie - setki pilotów Amerykańskich jest przesadzana z samolotów bojowych do pulpitów kontrolnych samolotów bezzałogowych. UAVy operują w rejonie działań, w pobliży - przy lotnisku - są tylko ludzie od lądowań i startów, a operacja bojowa jest kontrolowana z USA.
Teksty. Moim bogiem jeśli chodzi o teksty jest bezsprzecznie Trent Reznor Póki co dwa wałki z jego ostatniej płyty

Nine Inch Nails - God Given

Hey man, please don't make a sound
Take a look around, can't you see what's right in front of you
Have a little taste, no more time to waste
You don't wanna get left behind cause it's all coming down right now

How hard is it to see
Put your faith in me
'Cause you wouldn't want to be nailed
To the wrong piece of wood
You should get where you belong
Everything you know is wrong
Come on, sing along, everybody now

God given

And they gave us sight
And you'll see the light
And it burned so bright
Now you know we're right

And the work we've done
We've just begun
We're the chosen ones

Hey, step into the light
How can this be right?
I'm afraid I'm gonna ask you to leave
Guess you cannot win
With the color of your skin
You won't be getting into the Promised Land
It's just another case
Still don't know your place
Step aside, look away, wipe that look of your face
Raining from the sky

Come on, sing along, everybody now
God given

And they gave us sight
And you'll see the light
And it burned so bright
Now you know we're right

And the work we've done
We've just begun
We're the chosen ones

Nine Inch Nails - Capital G

I pushed a button and elected him to office and uh -
He pushed the button and dropped the bomb
You pushed the button and could watch it on the television
Those motherf**kers didn't last too long huh-huh
I'm sick of hearing about the have's and the have not's
Have some personal accountability
The biggest problem with the way that we've been doing things is
The more we let you have the less that I'll be keeping for me

Well I used to stand for something
Now I'm on my hands and knees
Traded in my god for this war
He signs his name with a capital G

Don't give a shit about the temperature in Guatemala
Don't really see what all the fuss is about

Ain't gonna worry about no future generations and uh!
I'm sure somebody gonna figure it out
Don't try to tell me how some power can corrupt a person!
You haven't had enough to know what its like
You're only angry cause you wish you were in my position
Now nod your head because you know that I'm right...alright!

Well I used to stand for something
But forgot what that could be
There's a lot of me inside you
Maybe you're afraid to see

Well I used to stand for something
Now I'm on my hands and knees
Traded in my god for this war
And he signs his name with a capital G

: Z życia pilotów ;). 1. Ground Controller observed an aircraft make a wrong turn off the ramp and was proceeding in the opposite direction then intended.
Controller: "Waterski 1234, it appears you've made a wrong turn and are heading in the wrong direction. Turn right next taxiway and taxi via runway 22 to runway 31."
Pilot: "We're looking at the map and every thing looks good to us."
Controller: "Then turn the map over."

Kontrola naziemna zauwazyla ze samolot skrecil w zla strone i kolowal w przeciwnym kierunku.
Kontroler: "Waterski 1234, wyglada na to ze kolujesz w zlym kierunku. Skrec w prawo i koluj przez pas 22 do pasa 31"
Pilot:"Patrzymy na mape i wszystko wyglada OK"
Kontroler:"W takim razie obroc mape do gory nogami"

2. In a holding pattern behind several aircraft...
Pilot: ...your estimate for our clearance for the approach.
Controller: Bonanza 1234, is there a problem?
Pilot: Do the words, "Daddy, I gotta go potty!" mean anything to you?
Controller: Bonanza 1234, cleared for the approach

czekajac na pozwolenie na ladowanie...
Pilot:".......... jaki jest przewidywany czas na pozwolenie na ladowanie?"
Kontroler:"Bonanza 1234, czy jest jakis problem?"
Pilot:"Czy slowa "Tatusiu, ja musze siusiu" cos dla ciebie znacza?"
Kontroler:"Pozwolenie na ladowanie wydane"

3. One night while climbing out on a single-engine IFR flight...
N6851R: Denver, Centurion 6851R, checking in out of twelve for FL180.
Center: 51R, radar contact fifty miles east of the Denver VOR.
N6851R: Uh, Denver, 51R. Sir, I show us fifty miles WEST of Denver VOR.
Center: 51R, correction: make that 24,950 miles east of the Denver VOR.

Pewnej nocy po starcie
Pilot:"Denver, Centurion 6851R, wzosi sie z FL120 do FL180"
Cenrtum:"51R, kontakt radarowy 50 mil na wschod od Denver VOR"
Pilot:"OOO, Denver, my jestesmy 50 mil na zachod od Denver VOR"
Centrum:"Poprawka: kontakt radarowy 24,950 mil na wschod od Denver VOR"

4. Instructor on ground with handheld radio to first-time solo student: "Cessna 1234. Make sure you keep your turns shallow and watch your airspeed. Copy?"
Instructor: "Cessna 1234, Tom, you ok up there?"
Instructor: "Cessna 1234, um, Tom, you've got to key the mike. I can't hear it when you nod."

Instruktor na lotnisku do pilota ucznia podczas jego pierwszego solowego lotu :"Cessna123 delikatnie zakrecaj i sprawdzaj predkosc, zrozumiales?"
Instruktor:" Tom, wszystko w porzadku?"
Instruktor:"Tom, musisz wlaczyc mikrofon, ja nie slysze ja kiwasz glowa"

5.On a flight near Madison, Wis., a pilot overheard this exchange on the frequency:
Madison Approach: "Cessna 1234, are you direct to Madison?"
Cessna 1234: "We're trying."
Madison Approach: "Cessna 1234, turn right 20 degrees and try harder."

Podczas lotu niedaleko Madison WIS.
Madison Approach:" Cessna 1234, czy lecicie prosto do Madison?
Cessna 1234:"Staramy sie"
Madison Approach:"Cessna 1234 skrec w prawo 20 stopni i bardziej sie starajcie"

6. I had a nice visit with my parents in Florida and, as usual, I promised to call as soon as I arrived home safely. A mag problem and Wx delays made the trip longer than normal, but I eventually got there and had this exchange:
Me: "Indianapolis Approach, N12345, landing Indianapolis with (ATIS)."
Indy Approach: "N12345, is there a 'Mark' on board?"
Me, sheepishly: "Uhh, yes."
Indy Approach: "CALL YOUR MOTHER!"

Po milej wizycie u rodzicow na Florydzie, obiecalem im ze jak tylko wyladuje to zadzwonie ze szczesliwie dolecialem, Problemy z samolotem i pogoda przedluzyly lot.
Pilot:"Indianapolis approach, N1234 laduje w Indianapolis"
Indy Approach:" N1234, czy na pokladzie jest 'Mark'?"
Pilot:"Tak to ja"
Indy Approach:" ZADZWON DO MAMY! !"

7. A United Airlines 747 captain tries to make light banter with Sydney, Australia, Approach Control ...
Captain: "Good morning, Sydney, this is United XXX, we're 50 miles out and have your island in sight ..."
Approach: "Roger, United ... you're cleared to circle the island twice, then it's okay to land."

Pilot United Airlines kontaktuje sie z kontrola lotow w Sydney, Australia
Pilot:" Dzien dobry, Sydney, tu United XXX, odleglosc 50 mil i juz widzimy wasza wyspe...."
Kontrola:"Zrozumialem United...... prosze okrazyc ta wyspe dwa razy, potem mozecie ladowac"


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