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  last minutes Side

kaniagostyn *UKS Kania Gostyń

Vega (***) - Side, Kumkoy. Byłem w tym roku z moja Panią w Hotelu Vega. Jesteśmy zadowoleni z
wyjazdu i uważamy iż cena jaką płaciliśmy (last minute)była
adekwatna do standardu. Ważne-obiekt składa się z dwóch części
Hotelu Vega i Vega Club! Vega Club ma dużo niższy standard i
odradzam osobiście tę część. W hotelu bardzo dużo Turkówm
mieszkających na stałe w Niemczech(50%)-są głośni i trochę
wygłodniali jak wpadają na stołówkę-trzeba się do nich przyzwyczaić.
Hi hi. 100m od hotelu dwie dyskoteki (bez szału, ale można się
pobawić)do centrum Side z 5km. Obsługa miła i pracowita-może trochę
za mało liczna bo w sezonie nie wyrabia się z robotą podczas
Ula i Piotrek

czy był ktoś w Turcji z biurem GTI Travel ?. czy był ktoś w Turcji z biurem GTI Travel ?
Mam zamiar wybrać sie do Turcji z tym biurem, bo trafiła się akurat fajna
propozycja last minute, nie znam jednak tego biura i chciałam spytać co o nim
sądzicie i czy jesteście zadowoleni z ich usług?
Mam jeszcze jedno pytanie gdzie najlepiej spędzić urlop w Turcji? Mam ofertę
do Alany i Side. Która z miejscowości jest ładniejsza ?
Poród rodzinny na Brochowie. I also wish everyone well. Regarding the actual birth (the first and
the second) I can't complain about the care. At the first birth 2
years ago a midwife and doctor were both present. We had some
difficulties understanding each other but my daughter was born after
3 pushes with my husband by my side. Another nurse helped me

In the second birth there were 2 midwives for the actual birth and
the dr came after to stitch me up a little. (At Br. they routinely
cut in the 1st birth- in the 2nd I tore at the last minute but just
a little- recovery after 2nd was much better) The midwives were
awesome. They explained everything to me and helped me find a
comfortable (ha ha) position and to push effectively.

After care is good but if you need something don't be afraid to ask
for it. And of course be prepared for regular exhibition of your
breasts and crotch. Also take a lot of water in case you give birth
when the shop is closed.

Good luck future moms.
Agencja dla nauczycieli-jaka polecacie?. Jesli chodzi o jezyk to Ci w tej kwestii nie pomoge. W moim przypadku jest tak,
ze nikt nawet nie domysla sie ze jestem z Polski czy jakiegos innego kraju nie-
anglojezycznego. Ale domyslam sie, ze jakis poziom tego jezyka trzeba miec, bo
przeciez bedziesz uczyc angielskie dzieci, w 99% native-speakers. Przede
wszystkim nalezy miec swobode w mowieniu, plynnosc i nie kaleczyc jezyka. No i
oczywiscie podstawa to znajomosc anglojezycznej terminologii przedmiotu,
ktorego bedziemy uczyc.

Przejdzmy do agencji.
Ja bardzo mile mam wrazenie z Select Education, ale oni dzialaja w South East
wiec nie wiem czy Ciebie to interesuje. Po obejrzeniu mojego portfolio i
rozmowie powiedzieli, ze chca mnie i nie mam sie czym przejmowac gdyz z praca
nie powinno byc problemow.

Opinie o nich z forum TES:

I worked for Select in work the following day I registered
with them, and wasn't out of work for the next three months. Never had a
problem with them, and found they always were working hard for my
benefit...finding me jobs that were closer when they realised I didn't drive.
I'd have no problems going to them for work again, however now I'm having to
deal with Hays and not sure what they're like.

I am with 4 agencies and Select are the ones that are definately the best and
they pay to scale.

Obviously it depends which office you deal with - mine is the Leeds office -
where abouts do you live ?

Last year I told Select that it wasn't worth their while phoning me for advance
bookings as I was getting enough from other sources at much more than the £100
flat rate that they were offering. I suggested they ring me only for last
minute work. They asked what I was getting elsewhere (£124) and promptly
increased my rate!

Oczywiscie negatywne wypowiedzi tez sa, jednak tak jest w przypadku KAZDEJ
agencji. Samemu niestety trzeba sie przekonac.

Jednak to nie tylko od agencji zalezy czy bedziesz miala prace. Agencja Ciebie
tylko wysyla na rozmowe to szkoly. Potem to juz tylko od Ciebie zalezy jak sie
zaprezentujesz i jak wypadniesz na tle innych kandydatow. Najwazniejsza to
rozmowa z potencjalnym pracodawca. Czesto tez trzeba przeprowadzic "demo"
lekcje. Oczywiscie o tym zostaniesz wczesniej poinformowana.

Kellis Group (
Po zaladowaniu CV na stronie od razu oddzwonili do Polski. Milo sie gawedzilo.
Chca sie ze mna spotkac w celu zarejestrowania od razu po przyjezdzie do UK.


For Middlesbrough, I rate Select and Supply Desk. Supply Desk pay more, and in
my opinion undertake more of the admin themselves. Select just make the booking
and leave you to it! Teacher Supply North East are based in Sunderland(?) but
cover a few schools in the Middlesbrough area. Have registered with Hays, but
no response so far.

I'm with 2 agencies at the moment, Capita and Teaching Personnel. They're in
competition with each other as staff have stepped over to the other side. I've
used this to my advantage.
Capita don't pay the most but they've got me loads of work. Hardly had a day
off. They contact me whereas TP expect you to hunt for the work. If you're
prepared to work in some tough schools, then they will ring you more often.

I've been looking at the messages about supply agencies and thought I'd
actually say something positive! Been supplying in Southampton through Kelly
since September and haven't had a bad experience. They tell me all the info I
need about the school(and sometimes more, they actually told me that the
toaster was broken in one school - no kidding!!) and sort directions and stuff
out for me. I have actually built a really good relationship with the
consultant who deals with me. Even when I've been on a longer term placement I
still get a call to see how its going and if there are any problems, so I don't
just feel like a money making tool. I think some of the stuff i've read today
about people going into special needs schools without being told is bang out of

Also being paid to scale for longer term stuff and going on a training course
soon on EBD which should be pretty good. Overall, thumbs up. Anyone else worked
with Kelly?

I've been working for Hays for 3 years and get very similar treatment; another
poster has had nothing but grief but she had registered at a different office.
In my city the Kelly office shut down after a year and they now run this area
from a city 35 miles away. So much depends on the quality of the staff inn the
office. A bit like schools really only there it's the staff in the classroom.



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