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  Land Rover Engine

kaniagostyn *UKS Kania Gostyń

[R75 2.0 CDTi 03'] Przeplywomierz. 1. Nie wiem kto i co kupił, odnosiłem się do kwestii "Pierburgh oryginał". Już po zakończeniu produkcji R75 Anglicy próbowali szukać różnych zamienników, między innymi dlatego opisywali Pierburgh. Próbowali wkładać coś z X-Parts i też się nie udało - było mnóstwo zwrotów. Sprawę prowadził i opisywał Roverron, czyli autor strony o tuningu R75.
2. Nie wiem czy rzeczywiście oryginał do Freelandera spełnia wymagania R75, nawet jeżeli silnik ten sam. A sterowanie?
3. Na stronie głównej 4land piszą, że sprzedają: "produkty oryginalne lub pochodzące od dostawców Land Rovera oraz sprawdzone zamienniki."
4. Nie wykluczam, że Pierburgh w tej chwili produkuje zamiennik rzeczywiście pasujący do R75 ale nie śledzę w tej chwili tego tematu, stąd moje zastrzeżenie, że informacje podane w w/w linkach mogą nie być kompletne i aktualne.
5. Temat przepływomierzy jest często poruszany na forach R75 i gdyby się gdzieś ujawnił wiarygodny zamiennik Bosha, to byłoby o tym głośno.
6. apples, nie mam CDTi. Z tego co wiem, CDTi ma ten sam przepływomierz. Nie wiem do czego służy dodatkowy czujnik na intercoolerze poza tym, że w przypadku zaślepienia egr, akurat w cdti potrafiła się zapalać kontrolka "check engine", a w cdt nie opisywano takich przypadków.
7. W/w informacje pochodzą z lektury forów, nie opierają się na mojej wiedzy i nie biorę za to odpowiedzialności.
[R620i] Gaśnie na wolnych obrotach. Użytkownik "piter34" <> napisał w wiadomości

PH JOWI napisał(a):
Mam problem z autem kolegi , silnik gaśnie na wolnych obrotach.
Wymieniłem wszystko kable-świece -silnik krokowy . Może wiecie co może
być? dodam jeszcze że raz chodzi ale pływają obroty
rover silnik 2.0 hondy pgm 1993

Gaśnie na ciepłym/zimnym?
Nie świeci się lampka "check engine"?
Przepustnica nie jest zasyfiona?

R620Si Lux '95, był: R214Si '96 + LPG
piter34(at) / viceprezes(at) Kraków
przepustnica ok raz poraz zapali się check , dzieje się tak na zimnym, bo na

ciepłym skacze

PH JOWI sprzedaż części samochodowy
do marki rover mg land rover
TEL: 0504045682
[420Sdi 98] Check Engine + SRS. Witam grupowiczów

Mam problem z Roverkiem 400. Otóż objaw jest taki:

Zapalam silnik, obroty skaczą z 1000 na 2000 a potem z powrotem na 1000.
Zapala się lampka Check Engine i SRS. Czy miał ktoś podobny problem ?

Samochód jeździ bez problemu. Poduszek już dawno nie ma, wcześniej się to
nie zdarzało.



Rover 420Sdi 98r 200tys
Land Rover Freelander 2004r
[R825 2,5KV6] pompka wody. No tak, róznice są większe niż kosmetyczne. W międzyczasie sie doedukowałem troszkę, ale w dalszym ciągu raczej ogolnie... np. napisano:
"The differences between the early and late KV6 are that the block/liners are dimensionally more accurate, with more tolerance bands. The heads are the same, although Rover changed the top covers. The inlet manifold is totally different - it does not have the dual butterfly-type throttle body like the early one. The engine management has also been changed in favour of the Siemens 2000 system over the earlier MEMS 2J system. Things like the acoustic cover have been changed in appearance, as well as detail plumbing - and other things that go with an "improvement".

No to i pompa może nie pasować

Z tym większą nieśmiałością chcę zasugerować jeszcze jedną możliwość: czy w Land Roverach montowano stare czy nowe KV6? Nie pamiętam co bylo pierwsze Freelander czy R75?
FSO Singleton ?. FSO is owned by AvtoZaz - Ukrainian company and General Motors. Also FSO's prototypes documentation and things like that were cleaned up when Daewoo bought FSO.

I think they still making Lanos but under FSO brand (shame) and exporting it mostly to the east but they inreased taxes for imported car dramaticly, so FSO started dismantling Kia Cee's and selling to east as kits for easy car-making. Also the AvtoZaz moved most of Lanos production to Ukraine but I heard that Ukrainian Lanoses are piece of junk, those from FSO were far better.

FSO makes Chevy Aveo also a modified version with Lanos engine dedicated to east- that one was constructed in FSO but nothing to be proud of if we compare to the "old factory" projects.

I don't think this factory can survive. Especialy since our politics (this time local of the Warsaw city) found another idea to destroy it. They raised land tax 12 times. Actually Polish politics are loading dices againced FSO since the 50ties. Doesn't matter they were communist or "free" in 90ties and now. In 90ties after transformation there were still chances for FSO development, probably jointly with Rover. Before being sold to Daewoo FSO had ready to make 4 new cars, one motorcykle (which is now manufactured by another company) and advanced project of kit-car. All we can count on when it comes to the Polish motoring are probably Leopard Automobiles, Auto Group which bough the Stealth Cars company, perhaps Tyminiski's new Tarpan Honker off-road car.

Well at least we make good buses- Solaris and Sobiesław Zasada saved Autosan company a few years ago. And OBRSM-Bosmal independent development division is also a good company but still we probably do not have chances for famous brand. Pity because even before WWII we had some good cars, Lux-Sport car was top GT of the time but due to the war we couldn't finish the project.

Anyway a big respect for British motoring, only a pity that lots of your brands are now owned by a foreigners. At least Aston Martin is owned by Prodrive isn't it? And we love Rover for K16 engines good power source for FSO Polonez Pity that Rover V8 is too wide for Polonez engine bay
[R all] Fakty i mity.

Wlasnie, "po przegrzaniu". A o to w R jest bardzo latwo. Latwiej niz gdziekolwiek indziej.
Eeee. Dlaczego łatwiej?
Cieplej jest? Chłodnice za małe? Węże nieszczelne? Pompa wody słabo wydajna?

K-Series problems
The engine's head-gasket was made out of an innovative silicone-type substance rather than the more traditional materials. However the cylinder head waterways were poorly machined and the thermostat was placed in a less than optimum position. These factors often resulted in head-gasket failure, particularly in larger vehicles such as the Land Rover Freelander.

In these applications the greater body weight caused the engine to heat-up too quickly compared to the rest of the system. The thermostat would then open and a sudden rush of cooler water would enter the head causing temperature distortion.

This was relieved to a certain extent by a special pressure release thermostat which, with the aid of a spring loaded valve, allowed a small amount of cool water to enter the head so that the engine warmed-up a little slower and more evenly. However, the optimum solution of moving the thermostat to the outflow from the head, allowing the rest of the water system to warm-up with the engine, was never implemented.

Another modification to reduce chance of the head-gasket failing again, is to insert steel dowels into the cyliner block when changing the head-gasket which renforces the new gasket.

More recently, Land Rover have released a reinforced MLS (Multi-Layer Steel) head gasket for the in-line four cylinder, and 24 valve V6 versions of the K-Series engine, which until mid-2005 was fitted to the petrol variants of their Freelander model. A modified oil rail was also developed to be used in conjunction with the gasket when fitted. Although only time will tell as to whether the improved design will cure this fault of the K-Series engine, many professionals and enthusiasts now recommend the fitment of this new design over the OE standard gasket as fitted by Powertrain K-Series engines, especially in models such as the MG F/TF and Freelander, where the applications are their most stressful.

Za wikipedia.
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