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  Laser Marking

kaniagostyn *UKS Kania Gostyń

Kawały. Dzisiaj coś o żarówkach...

- Ilu mężczyzn potrzebnych jest do wymiany żarówki? [w kuchni Vantesie, w kuchni... - ankai]
- A po jaką cholerę ją wymieniać? Niech baba po ciemku gotuje.

- Ilu prawdziwych mężczyzn potrzebnych jest do wymiany żarówki?
- Prawdziwy mężczyzna nie boi się ciemności.

- Ile feministek potrzebnych jest do wymiany żarówki?
- To nie jest śmieszne ty męska, szowinistyczna świnio!!!

...oraz kilka praktycznych zastosować lasgun'a, dla fanów IG.

Warming soup.
When left on, a seat warmer in your Leman Russ.
Disco effects/pyrotechnics.
Cigarette lighter.
Changing T.V. channels.
Selling to get funds for a better weapon.
Throwing at the enemy (may do more damage)
Using for grave marking for IG troops.
Collecting (eventually you might have enough to do some damage)
Skeet shooting.
A cooking utensil.
Looking slightly menacing.
Strapping onto a Boltgun as a laser sight.
Annoying friends by shining it in their eyes repeatedly
Burning ants

Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (2008) (PC). Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (2008) (PC)
  Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (2008) (PC)

Platform: PC
Category: Action Adventure
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release: 2008/11/10
Size: 1,000.0 MB

"Ghost Recon", "Rogue Spear", "Rainbow Six" ... the list of games of action and espionage based on the work of the writer Tom Clancy fills a page and was just when I thought nothing new could appear that "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" won the game.

Produced by the Canadian team regards Ubi Soft, the game was the Sam Fisher, a quiet soldier who must infiltrate in various military installations, a star of the video. Now the spy back to a second wave of adrenaline, named "Pandora Tomorrow."

The news of "Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow" are not few. Sam Fisher will have a new arsenal to help you with your missions. The laser-sight, for example, promises a long-range shooting more accurate. Following an idea of "Metal Gear" control is an indicator of danger. By vibration, Sam can not know or is about to step on a mine.

The spy seems to have spent more time at the academy of espionage, it returns full of new tricks: if hanging upside down, jump with the help of objects and rolling on the floor are just some of the 10 movements that promise more action to the playable.

And by talking about the playable, the Ubi Soft heard the criticism and changed the structure of phases. Now Sam will not have to follow a single path and may choose different paths to accomplish their missions. Each track brings unique challenges, which will increase the life of the game.

According to producers, the artificial intelligence (AI) of "Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow" will be innovative. The objectives of the phases are proportional to the skill of the player. Sam Fischer has tight marking in the hands of veterans. But if the player is not able to challenge, after a certain number of attempts, the AI will take action to facilitate the life of the apprentice spy.

Closing the package, "Pandora Tomorrow" will give more emphasis on multiplayer, with a more cinematic. In the new phase, for example, Sam will have to esgueirar down a train in motion.

Michael Ironside, as the film "Top Gun" and "Scanners", once again will the voice of Sam Fischer. Ironside also stunt the military Mason of the game "Run Like Hell."

Like the previous, "Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow" has versions for all the new generation of videogames.

Minimum Requirements
Processor: Pentium IV 1 GHz or equivalent Athlon
Processor speed: 1 GHz
RAM: 128 MB
Video: 64 MB
Direct3D: Yes
DirectX version: 8.0
Operating Systems: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP

Recommended Requirements
Processor: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz or equivalent Athlon
Processor speed: 1.8 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Direct3D: Yes
Rasterization: Yes
DirectX version: 8.0
Other: Does not support Geforce 4 MX

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