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  Lara Croft Reborn

kaniagostyn *UKS Kania Gostyń

Własna fabuła TR. LC TR : Reborn

Akcja toczy się w większości w Londynie (London). Raz na tysiąc lat starożytny artefakt, diament zwany Kryształem Odrodzenia „budzi się” do życia. Ma on magiczną moc, która potrafi przywracać do życia zmarłych i panować nad czasem (a praktycznie nad Wszystkim). Jednak wiele lat temu kryształ trafił w niewłaściwe ręce i wywołał wielkie wojny na świecie. Grupa spiskowców zdobyła klejnot i rozdzieliła go na 11 części, które ukryto na całym świecie. Ten, kto zgromadzi resztki diamentu i połączy je, zyska władze nad światem i moc klejnotu. Nieoczekiwanie największa część Kryształu Odrodzenia trafia w ręce Croft podczas wykopalisk w Egipcie. Wyrusza na poszukiwania reszty artefaktu. Musi się jednak pośpieszyć, by nie uprzedziła jej bogata bizneswoman Wictoria Andrews, założycielka Muzeum Konfederacji Praw Człowieka w Londynie, która ma zamiar ożywić członków Cabal….. W niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach ginie Anaya a na ścianie pojawia się znak Eckchardta… Aha, Lara spotka również swojego KURTISA .W dwójkę postarają się pokonać Wiktorię. Wspólnikiem PANI ARCHEOLOG będzie również były członek Cabal- Alex West, poszukiwacz skarbów i archeolog (tak jak Larka) I RESZTA PACZKI :ALISTER I ZIP I....SARA!!!!.
Dowiadujemy się tez o piątym Nephilim, ostatnim z pięciu, którego ma zamiar ożywić w Peru córka Karela, Sharon, wspólniczka Andrews.

No i jak?

Reszta pózniej, jak dokładniej pomyśle:)
Tajemnice Angel of darkness.. hmm... pierwszy raz takie cos widze. I rzeczywiscie, pisze tam ze AOD bedzie mialo kontynuacje, ale zrobioną przez fanow.

Zaciekawilo mnie to szczerze i przeszukalam stronki i znalazlam takie cos:

What is the Tomb Raider: Reborn project?

The Story
“Adventurer and archaeologist, Lara Croft is forced to continue ever
deeper through a dark and seedy world of conspiracy, conflict and shocking revelations.
To survive, she must contend with the cabal; an ancient and deadly group intent on resurrecting a powerful race of fallen angels, who would unleash devastation beyond imagination unto mankind enslaving them for eternity.”

The Media
Immerse yourself even deeper into the world of Tomb Raider: Reborn, see what Lara sees through original artwork made by the Tomb Raider: Reborn team. Witness the monologues of Lara Croft during the story all this against a backdrop of music primarily geared towards the locations featured in the story.

Support for the Community
We believe that unofficial projects should always be encouraged, there has always been a large wealth of talent within the Tomb Raider internet community which encompasses a wide variety of media ranging from lovingly created Tomb Raider: Level Editor custom levels to fan made Tomb Raider films, there’s much to be seen out there in the community!

The Tomb Raider: Reborn team
We are a group of fans who originally got together in Autumn 2005 where we started making plans for our own continuation of Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness after realising that the official continuation would never see the light of day. We are always researching what there is about the cancelled continuation, we are dedicated to making the story accurate* as well as thrilling. Our journey in the past year has taken us on a journey of discovery, with one of our writers, Twiin Pistols** visiting Prague where he visited locations that will be featured in our story. He also took plenty of Photographs for the artists and writers to work from!

Well, that’s it for the explanation about what Tomb Raider: Reborn is hopefully you’ve gained a better understanding of our project but if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to leave your questions.

* Despite our best efforts to research and analyse official Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness 2 sources these kind of sources are very limited and what is available has been quite hard to come by in some cases. In every other case we have researched thoroughly to minimise any potential inaccuracies.

** The makers of Tomb Raider: Reborn have requested their real names to be protected and thus they will be referred to by their alias names unless one of our members willingly and personally disclose their names to trusted individuals.

"Will it be a game? If so will it be available on the PS2 and PC?"

Primarily we are a multimedia project. Referring back to “The media” section above, we plan on using writing with artwork and sound to compliment the story. We have discussed possibilities of a Tomb Raider: Level Editor collection of levels for Tomb Raider Reborn but I must emphasize that we have only discussed this possibility. Nothing has been put into action and our thoughts are much more along the lines of producing a multimedia project.

Once we have completed this as a multimedia project we can then look into the possibility of a game or a collection of levels of some sorts but even if this does become possible, it must be noted that there is no way for any Tomb Raider Level Editor levels to be released for the PS2.

"Will Kurtis Trent be in it?"

Perhaps…you’ll just have to wait and see! Whether he is in it or not, you can be guaranteed that Lara will not be quite alone throughout this adventure as she meets new people who will prove key to events that unfold in the story.


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