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kaniagostyn *UKS Kania Gostyń

OPROGRAMOWANIE DLA DM 8000. PLi? Jade3 Enigma2 v.6504 DM8000

PLi? Enigma3

For all DVB-C and DVB-T versions.

Vom 29.06.09:

Filenames: pli-enigma2-jade2-dmxxxx-2009050420090628-6504.nfi

PMT parsing fix: avoid finding audiostreams in what are actually subtitling/teletext streams.

New features highlights:
* PMT parsing fix: avoid finding audiostreams in what are actually subtitling/teletext streams.
* DTS audio support (DM8000 only!)
* Support to disable background scanning

More new features:
* EliteDVB repository June 24th 2009
* PLi? repository June 24th 2009
* The global (all satellites worldwide) satellites.xml updated 15/06/2009 (DVB*S: FEC = Automatic; DVB*S2: FEC = Normal)

Dream Multimedia Enigma2 / Plugins changes (20090303 *> 20090603):
* No more show the mediaplayer gui after skipping with number keys
* Fixed e2 crash on much harddisc tranfers (standby handling)
* A little bit faster e2 startup
* Dont ask for subservice to record from when only one subservice is available in epg event
* Fix in nmbsd.ttf font for polish epg
* Small fix for aac audio in .mov files
* Fixed Astra HD and Anixe HD in default transponderlist and default bouquet
* Fixed problem with epg on some services introduced by the prev polish epg fix
* More fixes for polish epg
* Faster pluginlist reload
* Fix not working mediaplayer on first startup
* Fix not working dvd player on first startup
* Fix crash in virtual keyboard
* Fix audio pid caching
* No more stop playback of a running recording in some conditions
* Fix frequently crash (font render fix)
* Show correct audio/video pid in service info screen
* Fix record handling on pmt changes
* Small fixes for DVB-T scan when transponder use not proper TSID/ONID
* Show both audio language names(in one line) in audio selection when a single PID with two mono audio tracks is used
* Add 7 day EPG for viasat on 4.8East
* Add more tsid/onid combinations for feed detection
* More robust satellites.xml parsing
* Some timer collision check backports
* Fix crashes on skip forward/backward in pvr playbacks
* Fix not working radio still picture in some conditions
* Fix incorrect showed duration in mediaplayer infobar
* Fix encoding on upc direct transponders
* Take care for transmitted teletext subtitle hide flag
* Backport some frontend changes
* Fix mediaplayer socket leaks
* Backport diseqc tester plugin

* Online update from Jade(1/2) to Jade3 is not officially supported, the feed has been renamed from 'jade' to 'jade3'
(the changes are such that in particular the 7025 cannot handle an online update. If you want to, change the feed url in /etc/ipkg/official*feed.conf from jade2 to jade3, but make a good backup of your settings before you update, be prepared that the update fails)
* For editing a Enigma2 (HDTV) channellist, you will need a channeleditor which fully supports the service4 type lamedb file, like for example: DreamBoxEdit 3.0 or Dreamset v2.20

Drivers and bootloaders:
* Bootloader #61 for DM7025(Plus)
* 20090206 drivers for DM7025(Plus)
* Bootloader #73 for DM800
* 20090625 drivers for DM800
* Bootloader #73 for DM8000
* 20090625 drivers for DM8000

Dream Multimedia Drivers changes (20090310 *> 20090603):
* TS fix for Alps BSBE2
* Alps BSBE1 C01A wakeup fix
* Some radio fixes (services with corrupt or none PCR)
* Optimized ir driver for original dream remote control
* Mute problems fixed (when mute was enabled in ac3 mode and switched to a service without ac3)
* Demux "feed_cb but filter not GO" bug fixed (i.e. this fixes frequently crashes on cyfrowy polsat channels)
* Working on dvb*t tuner initialisation problems
* More demux fixes
* Fix crash on "HD*Test ARD ZDF"
* Fixes for better skipping in dvd player
* Fixes for better stillframe support for dvd player
* Small audio mute changes during skip and pcm *> compressed transition
* Small performance fix

* Enigma2 plugins 20090624
* Latest Henksat settings June 1st 2009

* dTV*HD added (this is currently the most uptodate hd skin, with the smallest risk of getting green screens)
* 'center' support added in coordinate parsing (still supporting our own e/c coordinate conventions)

* Several translations updated

* Online update support (IPKG feed)
* The global (all satellites worldwide) satellites.xml updated 15/06/2009 (DVB*S: FEC = Automatic; DVB*S2: FEC = Normal)

Known general Enigma2 Issues:
* USB SD card detection size: (, *1MB free)
* Automatic mounts of a CF card fails: you can add it via 'fstab' which is located in /etc/
* First time entering PLugins menu: Mediaplayer : a known hotplug problem
* Slow C*Band Scan in Asia: due to the empty feed transponders
* Network wizard: DM800 LCD screen is hard to read under several wizard settings
* Picons don't work on all satellites which contains different bands: due to the orbital position of the various bands (S,C,Ku) (serviceref)
* For DM800 SCART / AV users you may have to reboot after your initial setup to enable the audio
See our PLi? Wiki for more answers on your questions...
Many low level changes fixes and updates...
More detailed info, Wiki, FAQ's, HowTo's, TechNotes and information about this and the previous PLi? releases can be found on the PLi? Website:

Eldarin, sindarin, telerin: o etymologii nazw języków.
Richard Derdzinski wrote:

> What is your opinion on the etymology of the Quenya language-names in
> _-rin_ i.e. Eldarin, Sindarin, Telerin, Valarin etc.? Such names are
> treated in Tolkien's late papers as Quenya names though it seems
> they were first typical for the predecessors of Sindarin

Early Qenya language-names had also a similar form: see the list of
languages _Eldarin_, _Noldorin_, _Solosimpilin_, _Qenyarin_, _Inwelin_,
_Telellin_, _Cor-eldarin_ at the beginning of the Qenyaqetsa (PE12:2).

The endings _-rin_, _-lin_ in most of them could be the plural endings
_-r_, _-li_, + _-(i)n_. In fact, most of the plural folk-names implicit
in those language-names are found in the Qenya Lexicon or the Qenyaqetsa

The plurals _Eldar_ and _Cor-Eldar_ are found in the text before the
list (PE12:1-2).

_Noldor_ and _Inweli_ (and again _Eldar_) are in QL:36 (s.v. _Erinti_);
there the form _Teleri_ also occurs, but _telelli_ can be found in QL:91
(s.v. _Teler_).

_Solosimpeli_ is in QL:35 s.v. _Eldamar_. Note that from _Solosimpilin_
at PE12:2 the expected plural folk-name would have been *_Solosimpili_,
which blends two plurals of _Solosimpe_: this one in QL:35 with _-li_,
and the commoner _Solosimpi_ (cf. PE12:1-2, 4, 17, 85), with _-i_. The
form _-li_ is usually employed for nouns with vocalic ending, and _-i_
for nouns with consonantal ending, or in _-e_ < (semivocalic) _-i_ (cp.
PE14:43-44); thus both plurals forms could be expected for _Solosimpe_,
though if they coexisted, only one of them would be etymological, the
other one being probably derived by analogy. The blend *_Solosimpili_
seems rarer, and perhaps did not occur outside the language-name; but
note that the language-name form _Solosimpelin_ also occurred, at PE12:22.

*_Qenyar_ is the only plural that I have not found, and which probably
does not exist, as _Qenya_ is not a singular folk-name, but an adjective
related to _Qendi_. The ending _-ya_ is a usual Qenya adjective former,
as seen in the QL adjectives _inya_ 'tiny' (p.42), _laminya_
'animal-like, beastly, stupid' (p.50), _mintya_ 'reminding, "memoryful"'
(p.62), _nyenya_ 'querulous, tearful, plaintive' (p.69), _rĹąya_
'unmoved, steadfast' (p.80), _sastya_ 'sore, galled' (p.86), _talanya_
'burdened, weighed down, sad' (p.88), _telya_ 'attractive' and
_telyantalya_ (p.90), _tilinya_ 'downy, hairy' (p.92), or _varya_
'different' (p.100). _Qenyarin_ was probably formed by analogy from the
other cases.

The suffix _-in_, on the other hand, could be a short form of _-inwa_,
another adjective former which is also applied to form folk-related
adjectives, like _noldorinwa_ (glossed 'goblin (adj.)' in QL:67),
_telerinwa_ (MC:216, PE16:90ff.), and specially enlightening,
_eldarinwa_ in the Enlish-Qenya Dictionary, where it is given next to
_eldarin_ as Qenya glosses to the adjective 'elfin' (PE15:71). The word
_Qenyarinwa_ is also found, written next to the English form "Qenyatic"
in PE14:125.

If related, short _-in_ and long _-inwa_ could have different
grammatical functions, _-inwa_ being used when the adjective qualified a
name (as in _losselie telerinwa_ 'the white people of the shores of
Elfland', MC:215), and _-in_ when the substantive was omitted and thus
the adjective was itself used substantively (like in the language-names).

This _-inwa_ ending is an adjective former very productive outside
language of folk-related words. See for instance in QL:

_helinwa_ 'of pansies; of colour = "a blue-violet"' (p.39)
_saminda, -wa_ (i.e. _saminwa_) 'silken' (p. 81)
_tirinwa_ 'vigilant' (p. 93)
_turinwa_ 'kingly, royal' (p. 96)

Making a step further in the analysis, it could be that _-inwa_ was
derived by analogy from adjectives like the following in QL:

_finwa_ 'acute, sagacious' (p. 38, s.v. FINI)
_minwa_ 'small' (p. 61, s.v. MINI)
_ninwa_ 'blue' (p. 66, s.v. NINI)

In these ones, _-in-_ is not a suffix, as it belongs to the Qenya root,
and the suffix was in fact just _-wa_, for which compare the "general
adjectival suffix" _-va_ (PE14:47, 79). If cases like these were common
in Qenya, the blend of root ending _-in_ + adjectival _-va_ / _-wa_
could have yielded by analogy a new adjective ending _-inwa_. It is
interesting that the Qenya root TURU had both derived adjectives
_turinwa_ ('kingly, royal') and _turwa_ ('powerful'); cf. PE12:96).

Now in the frame of Tolkien's late papers, about which Richard asked,
the etymology could be quite similar.

From a text as late as "Quendi and Eldar" we know that the term
_Quenderin_ was formed anew by historians as an adjective meaning
'Quendian, belonging to the Elves as a whole', and that they made
it "on the model of _Eldarin_, _Noldorin_, etc." (XI:407).

_Quenderin_ seems to be formed by the singular _qende_ 'elf' (itself
formed analogically from pl. _Quendi_, cf. XI:361) + _-rin_. Thus, the
cited note implies that adjectives meaning 'belonging to a people as a
whole' may be formed by adding _-rin_ to the referred people. But this
does not necessarily mean that this was the etymological formation. As
older _Qenyarin_, it could be just formed by analogy.

If that is the case, _Eldarin_ and _Noldorin_ could be, as seemingly the
previous Qenya language-names, plural _Eldar_ and _Noldor_ + _-in_. The
same may be said of _Sindarin_ and _Valarin_, commented on by Richard.
_Telerin_ could likewise come from plural _Teleri_ (*_Teleri-in_ >

And as commented on above about _-in_ for Qenya language-names, in the
late texts this ending could also be intended to come from adjectival
_-inwa_, the longer form being used when the adjective qualifies a noun.
To support this theory, besides _Sindarin_, _Eldarin_, _Valarin_ or
_Noldorin_ we have _hwesta sindarinwa_ ('Grey-elven [belonging to the
Sindar] _hw_', LR:1123), _Essekenta Eldarinwa_ (*'Enquiry on the names
of the Eldar', XI:360), _Lambe Valarinwa_ (*'tongue of the Valar',
XI:397), and _quentale Ńoldorinwa_ ('the history of the Noldor', VT39:16).


Tu moim zdaniem najistotniejsze odkrycie to odnalezienie w HoMe XI, w tekście "Quendi and Eldar" (z lat 60.) przypisu 4, w którym Tolkien pisze o końcówce -rin dodawanej do nazwy ludu, aby stworzyć nazwę języka przez analogię do eldarin, noldorin itd. Tu jest to przymiotnik:


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