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kaniagostyn *UKS Kania Gostyń

Dv610 .vob.
carlospando1, Popay does not mean convertion to DVD, only burning datas on DVD-RW disc.

(?) But the ISO compilations to DVD(-/+)R-RW discs are limited to 2GB file size. Sorry, I don't know what do you mean exactly. Or, can the DV-610 support a compilation with burned UDF-type? I think it will not (not tried, my goal is just bypass burn DVD and only use original DVD, or USB flash pendrives).

I got a message from Pioneer FAQ (very good and useful web page) about he will not publish or maintain more DV-610 firmware versions. Someone have the knowledge an time to patch the latest CP1252 version with your "v1.50" changes? They are many people and countries for 1252, and I think that USB long name support and some little and final changes like have the subtitles ON by default would be very welcome and close to a final and enjoyed firmware/DVD player.

Anyway, thanks all for your replies. Regards.
Filmiki google video itp. Sorry ch?opaki ale zrobie ma?y OT. Nie mog? ogl?da? filmików na Gdy klikne w link to otwiera mi sie dana stronka, nazwa filmu, tabelka do g?osowania, a "ekran" do ogl?dania si? nie wy?wietla Zamiast tego komunikat: "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."
jave mam zainstalowan?, a flash playera nie mog? pobra? dajcie jakie? linki do pobrania odpowiednich programów albo napiszcie co zrobi?.
YouTube i .MKV w produktach Blu-ray SAMSUNG. Dwa cytaty z forum posiadaczy BD-P1600

"I placed a divx and mkv file into a flash drive but it didn't recognize neither. I tried playing a divx disc but it couldn't play it so divx is out this round. Next I'll burn an mkv file into a dvd to see if it will play it that way."

"Does anyone have any ideas on how to play mkv files?"

Natomiast posiadacze BD-P3600 piszą tak

-Both 1080p and 720p avc files seem to play. The further off-spec the AVC encode is, the more problems the player has playing. Files I encoded a couple of years ago(not SA specs) don't always play so well, where as all my recently encoded stuff plays fine.
-All my 1080p files play with correct aspect ratio(2.35, 1.85, etc).
-720p files had some aspect ratio problems. 1280x720, 1280x692 and 1280x688 all play with correct aspect, but files with small vertical resolution played as 4/3 (1280x544, 1280x536, 1280x528). I haven't verified this, but I suspect that any AVC file with a vertical resolution less than 576 will play as 4/3.
-Codecs other than AVC in the MKV container do not appear to work. AC3 seems to bitstream but DTS(1.5) does not.
-Chapters did not seem to work, and one MKV didn't allow me to FF.

-Hi Res divx does not work.
-Packed Bitstream Xvid files now seem to be choppy on playback. I had no problem playing them with 1.03. Fixing the files is really easy, so this is just a minor annoyance for files on a share or drive. Files that are burnt to disk would be a bit more annoying to fix."

Lista zmian w firmware 2.02

-A/V sync issues
-Title compatibility
-NTP should be defaulted to on after reset or power failure
-Error msg "your Netflix Keys have been hacked"
-Blockbuster and YouTube support
-MKV/MP4 file playback

Ostatnia opcja prawdopodobnie dotyczy tylko posiadaczy BD-P3600 i BD-P4600, bo nikomu na zagranicznym forum nie udało się odtworzyć plików mkv na BD-P1600. BD-P1580 oprócz braku wsparcia dla plików mkv nie posiada możliwości oglądania filmów z YouTube.

EDIT: A jednak komuś udało się odtworzyć plik mvk na BD-P1600

"Yep! After the latest firmware update, my BD-P1600 can now play mkv files."

Dziwne. Jednym odtwarza a drugim nie.....
Banner TVFun. Oto kod do baneru[510x200]:

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